How to Establish “Non - Negotiables” with Your Youngster
Whether you're a parent, teacher, or youth caregiver, you've probably been involved in some type of power struggle with a youngster or adolescent. The struggle is usually a result of you attempting to assert your authority over the youngster and them desperately wanting to be in control of their own actions. These conflicts can become obstacles on your journey to building harmonious relationships with the youth in your life; nevertheless, you can minimize the occurrence of these power struggles by establishing a set of non-negotiables. These principles determine how you and your youngster will relate to one another. With that in mind, they should be reflective of your values and should outline what behaviors are acceptable and those that are not. You should have a conversation with your youngster (s) about the non-negotiables and explain to them that the principles are in place to help maintain mutual respect in the relationship and that they also function as a guide for you all when decision making becomes challenging. Lastly, be prepared to follow through on the non-negotiables, despite the many ways they will try to persuade you to change your mind. When your youngster or adolescent sees you holding true to these principles, they will begin to trust your judgment.
Respectful Discipline: The Control Game