Habits of Kid Whisperers

Are you struggling to build harmonious relationships with the youth in your life? Can’t seem to find the right pitch when trying to make those connections? There’s no need for alarm. Please know that you are not solo in your attempts at learning how to strike a positive chord with your youngsters. Furthermore, you do not have to improvise your way through developing these relationship-building skills. Here are 11 habits that are common among highly effective “kid whisperers.”

Highly effective kid whisperers are perceptive

They understand that students have a desire to connect and be nurtured and seek opportunities to share in those moments.

Highly effective kid whisperers are resourceful

They utilize multiple systems of support when working to build connections with students.

Highly effective kid whisperers are genuine

They recognize that every relationship is different and every connection should be authentic.

Highly effective kid whisperers are deliberate

They take time to reflect on their interactions with students and obligate themselves to increase interactions that contribute to the students’ sense of empowerment.

Highly effective kid whisperers are vigilent

They know that demeanor matters and recognize how it affects their interactions with students

Highly effective kid whisperers are engaging

They are not afraid to initiate conversation with students and to ask critical questions

Highly effective kid whisperers exhibit with-it-ness

They find multiple ways to relate and make attempts to communicate with students in “their language.”

Highly effective kid whisperers are sensitive

They pay attention to the unspoken communication

Highly effective kid whisperers are advocates

They speak up for their youngsters, all the while instilling self-efficacy

Highly effective kid whisperers are transparent

They show, not tell students they are vested in building harmonious relationships

Highly effective kid whisperers are decisive

They commit to making a positive impact in the lives of students

Yolanda Turner